Bougainvillea glabra

Detall de la flor i la bràctea
Detail of the flower and the bract

Magnífic exemplar de Bougainvillea en un edifici d'un carrer de Barcelona.
Magnificent Bougainvillea specimen of a building of a street in Barcelona.

Petit bonsai de Bougainvillea.
Small Bougainvillea bonsai.

Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise, Laerte and Valkyrien

9 comentaris:

Joanne ha dit...

wonderful bonsai, I have never seen a bougainvillae bonsai:)

EG CameraGirl ha dit...

Bougainvillea are amazingly beautiful. I have seen them in Phoenix where my sister lives and they are breath taking!

lazyclick ha dit...

Beautiful. They have grown very well.

Noel Morata ha dit...

aloha xavi,

i'm a fan of bouganvillea, they are very beautiful flowers, i love the stunning purple color of these, they look great on this ordinary apartment.

Kate-Marita Pettersen ha dit...

How beautiful flowers!!

diane b ha dit...

They are pretty flowres but have menacing thorns and they run amok in the garden. In Papua New Guinea they grow huge.

Iowa Gardening Woman ha dit...

Beautiful photos!

DeniseinVA ha dit...

Hi Xavi, I'm very sorry I am so late this week. I am trying to catch up today and am very glad I popped in to see your beautiful Bougainvillea photos. The Bougainvillea bonsai was also a delight to the eyes, I have never seen one this small before. All your photos are fantastic as always. Thank you for once again sharing with Today's Flowers, and I hope your week is a great one.

MedaM ha dit...

I always admire this flower. These flowers and the color are stunning. Your photos are wonderful.