Opuntia microdasys

ABC Wednesday "O" is for Opuntia

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18 comentaris:

Cezar and Léia ha dit...

Very interesting choice for this theme, I didn't know about "opuntia", thanks a lot for sharing!Beautiful shots!

Sylvia K ha dit...

I didn't know about Opuntia either! And I do love to learn something new! Lovely post as always! Have a wonderful week! Enjoy!


EG CameraGirl ha dit...

Believe it or not, I have an Opuntia in my garden...but didn't even think of it for the letter O! Mine's Opuntia polyacantha, a prickly pear native to Saskatchewan, Canada.

Roger Owen Green ha dit...

Not familiar with this prickly plant!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

MaR ha dit...

Clever choice for O and beautiful shots! I have one too!
Bona nit.
ABC Wednesday: O

Tumblewords: ha dit...

I love prickly pear - didn't know its other name! Beautiful photos!

Anònim ha dit...

I love prickly pear and you captured it beautifully.

Hop here from ABCW
Happy Wednesday

Joy ha dit...

Never seen an Opuntia but looks beautiful with the light on it.

Carolyn Ford ha dit...

The light on the opuntia is gorgeous! Wow!

NanU ha dit...

glorious opuntia! Reminds me of growning up.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio ha dit...

Ouch!!! ; )

Oakland Daily Photo ha dit...

Is this the same cactus that gives us nopales?

Jingle ha dit...

my favorite o word.
so vividly demonstrated.
way to go.

Margarida ha dit...

No sabia que es digués així. Quan era petita en teníem una en un test, i els meus germans i jo sempre ens referíem a aquest cactus com "el burro", per les dues grans orelles que tenia!

Barb ha dit...

I have several Opuntias in my garden but didn't realize that was what they were called. Thanks for the education! Nice healthy looking cactii by the way, and lovely pics, too. That first one looks like Mickey Mouse.

DeniseinVA ha dit...

Brilliant photos Xavi, your Opuntia are such interesting plants. Have a great weekend.

http://graceolsson.com/blog ha dit...

adoro a luz.

Francesca Di Leo ha dit...

very pretty prickly plant... !! Opuntia.